In this touching animated short, young engineer Elia fights to end her community's blackouts, driven by guilt over her brother's death. With her witty robot Frank by her side, Elia faces a perilous journey to revive a broken power station. Amidst danger and unexpected obstacles, she learns the importance of accepting help from those who care about her. Through an act of selfless sacrifice, Elia realizes that true strength comes from embracing the support of friends and family.

  • Elia

    Elia is a gifted young engineer whose blend of creativity and logical thinking has always set her apart. Inspired by her sculptor father and robotics engineer mother, she created a sentient robot named Frank to assist her in her work. Her world was shattered when her younger brother, David, died from a devastating illness amid a colony crisis. Overcome with guilt, Elia becomes fixated on developing a risky device to prevent future tragedies, disregarding others warnings and risking everything to test it. With Frank's help, she embarks on a high-stakes mission driven by a desperate need to make amends.

  • Frank

    Frank is Elia’s floating droid and best friend, a snarky, upbeat companion who brings some much-needed balance to her intense work habits. Originally built to help with repairs, Frank quickly developed a mind of his own—one filled with endless curiosity, blunt humor, and a knack for getting Elia to lighten up. His overprotective streak kicks in whenever Elia takes on risky projects, though he’s no stranger to risks himself, often acting on impulse and diving into challenges headfirst. Frank doesn’t see himself as Elia’s property; he’s a sentient being with his own personality and a fierce loyalty to his creator. He’s always encouraging her to connect with others and live a little, even if it means dragging her to the bar for a night out.

  • Chompy
